Thursday, August 1, 2013

It's Happening!

It's Happening!!! (Imagine Kristen Whig SNL skit excitement with that.)  Seriously it is happening.  I can't say I thought this day would ever get here but after bringing the mortgage company every single piece of scrap paper ever given to Jacob and I we are finally approved. 

These people are buying a house!
Tuesday our mortgage originator called Tuesday and you could literally head how excited they were for us.  I know it must be a relief for them too because they have been working so hard.  Being teachers we get paid once a month.  (And it is on the same day so it is literally one pay day a month...which takes some serious planning.)  So they wanted our pay stubs we got yesterday to add to our file before they sent it off to USDA.  So today I took everything to them and they will be sending it off to USDA by Monday.  Which means we SHOULD be moving in mid to late September.  Which is a little later than we really hoped for but whatever we are moving in at least!
This has literally been the longest, most frustrating process ever.  It has taught us a lot.  Mostly patience.  Not everything works out just like we want it.  Just because we have a plan doesn't mean the plan will work out like we want.  But what is meant to be will be.  We will get through it.

Apparently this is my favorite shirt ever...
We also learned that we love each other a whole lot.  I mean we knew that before but this has been a strengthening time for us.  Jacob has been amazing.  We are figuring out our roles as our relationship grows.  As our relationship changes from dating to being a married couple in the next few months our dynamic will change.  Mostly because so many things around us will be changing.  We are so much stronger after all of the frustration we went through this summer.  We learned to lean on and confide in each other.  Jacob knew just to wrap his arm around me as I walked down the road in San Antonio crying a few weeks ago when our chances of getting the house did not seem to be looking too good. (I must admit, not my finest moment.) 

I certainly wish that this whole process had been a little easier.  I know it isn't easy for anyone but it was a little more complicated because of our circumstances.  It has been a real process.  But I wouldn't choose to go through the process with anyone but this guy right here.

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Anonymous said...

YAY! I'm so excited for you! The waiting that goes with buying a house is so not fun but somehow everyone seems to survive it. And then everyone shares stories about how long they had to wait or the woes with the mortgage company or the awful thing the sellers did.

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