Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Okay, so remember when we looked at houses last week?  Well yeah going into that I believe I mentioned we had a pre-approval from our own bank. We were so excited.  Even though they wanted the blood of our first born child in return.

I had to get all kinds of information together and we were waiting on some of these things to come in.  Well in the meantime the couple owning our house (yeah we call it our house already) counter offered.  We were pretty happy with their offer though.  Then I talked to Miss Loan Lady. (which I don't say as a nice name.  I say it mean.)

Miss Loan Lady said that we didn't need to sign anything because this loan system was new and they didn't know much about it yet and she had heard of people who got pre-approval not having actual approval.  Excuse me what?  You are saying that you approved us for a loan 20,000 dollars more than what we now need and that was all just a joke?  Seriously?  So I cried for a solid day because all my fears were coming true.

This wasn't going to be mine!
Seriously, I cried all day.  I was pissed.  Really pissed.  But, we finally got all our paperwork in and we decided it was still worth the try.  We took a big file folder including the agreement to give them the blood of our first born and then Miss Loan Lady made it all worse.  Our approval was based on a 5,000 dollar down payment.  Hello, that is not a small chunk of change?  I don't know about you, but we are just starting out and that is way more difficult than it should be.  Miss Loan Lady said that if this new system (which hello she should have training on before she is able to break the hearts of obviously already attached future homeowners.) was anything like the old system it wouldn't let us get away with anything less than 20% down.  (Yeah I watch HGTV I know this is fairly common but seriously who has that starting off?) That would be like $27,000...cash.  Yeah excuse me while I go get that out of my other purse.  No, we don't have that type of money. So my dreams are dashed right?
But, these people are very determined.  We found out about USDA loans.  Well we kind of already knew about them.  But we didn't know our house was eligible.  (They make it seem like there is some kind of odd qualifications but seriously there isn't.)  Perk of living in the boondocks...no one else wants to live here!  This is 100% financing.  Which means no down payment at all.  (Which means we can put a pool in with what we were planning on using as a down payment...yay.)
But our bank doesn't do USDA loans.  (Seriously Miss Loan Lady, you are at the top of my list at this point.) But we were turned to some people that do by a good friend of mine.  And let me tell you something.  Mr. Mortgage Man is wonderful.  He absolutely rocks.  He has been the most helpful person on the planet.  We now are so much more informed.  We feel much better about where we are in the process.  I called on Thursday, we had a meeting on Friday and are now waiting on the underwriters to let us know.  Which is making this the longest week ever.  We are already so much farther in the process than we ever got with Miss Loan Lady.  So that is where we are.  Waiting on Mr. Mortgage Man to let us know.  But he feels well about our chances...which makes us feel amazing. 
But luckily, this weekend I got to keep my mind off of it because my family went to the beach!  My mom's brother was down for a visit and we all gathered at the Beach.  Post on the whole trip coming soon!

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