Saturday, June 22, 2013

While We Wait

They say patience is a virtue.  But it surely is not one this girl possesses.  We went last Friday to complete our loan information for the house and were told we should hear something within 3-4 days. Well we didn't start counting days until Monday (because we assumed that that is when the actual loan underwriters would get the information anyway) which would have put us hearing something Thursday or Friday.  Well no such luck.

I have learned Jacob isn't very patient with the waiting game either (although he is extremely patient in every other aspect of life) by this conversation.

"Have you hear from the loan today?"


"We are never going to hear anything."

"Well eventually we have to hear something.  They have to say no at the least they have to respond."

"It has been a week!"

This was Thursday.....which was actually day 6 but only day 3 counting from Monday. 

We just knew we would hear something yesterday.  But we didn't hear anything at all.  So instead we went and looked at furniture and household items.  Which led to us realizing that I like really girly things and Jacob will probably regret saying I could pretty much decorate how ever I want.

I am trying to be considerate but I don't think that things he thinks are girly are girly...just pretty.  So the whole decorating thing should be pretty interesting.  But, yesterday we did pick out our living room furniture.  (Which is going to be a wedding gift from my parents. Yay!)

We went to furniture store after furniture store yesterday. We sat on tons of couches. I kept being drawn to couches with this basic look though.  I love the color because it is so neutral.  I am a mind changer.  I will probably want to redecorate over and over again.  I feel like this couch is neutral pallet.  I will be able to do so much just by changing out some throw pillows!

The set comes with a sofa a loveseat and an accent chair which is in the fabric of the circly pillows.  We probably will not get the accent chair because we would like a bigger chair (like a recliner or a chair and a half) so we can really get comfortable.  I am already wanting to recover these pillows to get some color going on.  Here are some of the fabrics I am considering.

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(Although I am pretty sure that would is considered too girly by the man of the house.)
I want something bold but not overwhelming.  I am thinking envelope pillow covers with some cute button closures would be super cute. 
So, now I am off to decorate my hypothetical house in my head.  (Seriously what did we do before Pinterest!)

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Anonymous said...

The waiting game is not fun! We played it a lot when we were trying to buy our house. I think the negotiating process ended up taking 2-3 weeks (our sellers were being a bit difficult). Hang in there...sooner or later you will have a house. In the meantime, have fun "decorating" it - that's one of the enjoyable parts :)

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