Thursday, June 6, 2013

Take Two

So, I have had my tries at blogging before.  None too successful, but this will be different! Because not I actually have something to blog about! My first attempt was in college/student teaching and seriously a) who has time for that and b) who wants to read about that because it isn't interesting.  But this will be different because my life is starting to fall in to place...and it is falling at a pace of Olympic runner. Seriously everything is coming together  So here we go!

Back Story

So here is a little background on who we are.  Jacob and I have been dating for 4 to 5 years.  (It is a little un clear when we officially started dating.)  We were friends my senior year in high school ( '06-'07) so that was 7 years ago.  Jacob was older than me but we ended up in the same groups quite often.  We each dated other people on and off and then late into my Freshman year we started dating.  But it wasn't anything serious but it was a lot of fun. And we never dated anyone else again. 

I would post some old pictures of us right here but those would be on a thumb drive somewhere in a drawer...and I am pretty sure I could put my hands on them but I am entirely too lazy to do so.

Jacob was working at a saw mill when we started dating.  Had to take disability leave to have shoulder surgery and then the mill was shut he went back to school.  Which made me a very happy girl because he went to be a teacher.  (Which was the same career I was pursuing.)  We would be on the same schedule and that would be great right?  Expect we weren't.  Because he was at a local Junior College when I was at a 4 year so our schedules never worked out.  And then when he was at South with me all things would have been great right?   Except for no.  Because I was in my teaching classes which made me on public schools schedule for the most part.  It has been quite a journey.  I think this was great for us though because we had to make each other a priority the entire time.  Time wasn't easy to get together; we had to make time together. 

Oh yeah, Jacob was coaching high school ball at this point as well.  So that made things a million times easier....yeah right. 

I graduated with a degree in Elementary Education in December 2011.  (Not that anyone wants to hire teachers in December) and subbed for the rest of that school year.  And then last summer, Praise the Lord, I got a teaching job at a newly formed city school system in our area.  Which was interesting.  (First Year Teaching+ First Year of a School System= Stressful) and Jacob was student teaching on top of that.  Oh yeah and still coaching ball.  I mean seriously I am thinking right now how did we ever see each other?

Then, last December (2012) Jacob graduated!  Yay! And the school he had been coaching at (where he went to High School) hired him. But then, as all first year teachers you always wonder do I really have a job next year?  But we were both kept on for another year!  So, now that we have a little bitty bit of security....

We are house shopping!  (Yes, and other commitments that go along with that.) 

Why Blog?
So why blog now? (Seriously, when will I have time?) Well, I think that this is the best way to keep a record of what we are doing and the whole process of building a life together.  I am not writing this for others.  (Although imaginary friends would be great.) I am writing this so that in the future we can look back and see how far we have come. 

We start the process (well we actually already did since we have been pre-approved for a loan) for real on Monday with looking at some houses.  We seriously have like 6 or 7 houses lined up to see on Monday.  In our heads (with the use of the internet) we have already basically narrowed it down to 2 houses that are in a very heated competition for our love and commitment. 

So, Monday I will be back with some news hopefully or at least how we feel about each house. 
Now I am off to stalk Young House Love and Pinterest for some lovely home ideas.
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Anonymous said...

Goodness, your schedules sounds like ours. We both work rotating shifts and they never seem to match up. I finally get on days shifts for a week or few and hubby ends up on evenings. And days off together? We're lucky if we have 3-4 of those/month.
We just bought our first house last month and I started a blog to chronicle our adventures (and frustrations) with home ownership. I too have tried blogging before and didn't stick with it. This time, I have a house project to chronicle so I'm hoping that gives me enough blog fodder so I can stick with it.
I'm excited to see the houses you're looking at!
Pamela @ Little Red House

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